Let Her Lead
My focus these past few weeks, as it always is, has been on serving my community and building our campaign across Kitchener Centre.
That said, at a time when some have called for Annamie Paul to resign as Leader of the Green Party, I’d like to make clear that I disagree. I believe we should let her lead.
Ces dernières semaines, je me suis concentré, comme toujours, à servir ma communauté ainsi que sur le développement de notre campagne dans Kitchener-Centre.
Cela dit, à l'heure où certains ont demandé à Annamie Paul de démissionner de son poste de chef du Parti vert, je tiens à préciser que je ne suis pas d'accord. Je crois que nous devrions la laisser diriger.
This is Canada. We Can’t Look Away.
Last night, even in the face of hate, The Coalition of Muslim Women offered love and grace in a time of mourning. Now, the question for those of us with the most privilege: are we willing to put it to use to move towards a community where everyone feels safe?
Hier soir, même face à la haine, la Coalition des femmes musulmanes a offert amour et grâce dans un moment de deuil. Maintenant, la question qui se pose à ceux d'entre nous qui sont les plus privilégiés: sommes-nous prêts à utiliser cet exemple pour progresser vers une communauté où *tout le monde* se sent en sécurité ?

Nomination Celebration Wrap-up
On Thursday May 27, 2021 hundreds from across Canada came together to celebrate the official nomination of Mike Morrice as the Green Party Candidate for Kitchener Centre!
Le jeudi 27 mai 2021, des centaines de personnes de partout au Canada se sont réunies pour célébrer la nomination officielle de Mike Morrice comme candidat du Parti vert pour Kitchener-Centre!

May the 4th: More than Star Wars Day
Yes, May 4th may be Star Wars day. But for me, it has added significance: it’s the anniversary of my first time knocking on front doors in our community.
Oui, le 4 mai est peut-être le jour de la Guerre des Étoiles (« May the fourth/force be with you! »). Mais pour moi, il revêt une signification supplémentaire : c’est l’anniversaire de ma première visite aux portes de notre communauté.

Together, we’ll make history: A Q&A with Mike
Asha Philar and I sat down to chat about my announcement to run to be the Green Candidate for MP representing Kitchener Centre. Our conversation and the questions that came in from attendees touched on everything from how we can address the affordability of housing in our community, to holding onto one’s integrity in politics, to my return to French courses over the past year!
Asha Philar et moi nous sommes assis pour discuter de l'annonce de ma candidature au poste de député Vert de Kitchener-Centre. Notre conversation, et les questions posées par ceux qui se sont joints à nous en direct, ont porté sur tous les sujets, à partir de la façon dont nous pourrions résoudre le problème de l'accessibilité au logement dans notre communauté, jusqu'au maintien de l'intégrité en politique, en passant par mon retour aux cours de français, l'année dernière!

Annamie Paul: Ready to fight for a better Canada
I first met Annamie briefly while filming this spot during the 2019 federal election campaign. A few months later, we spent more time together while both observing a weekend-long meeting of the party’s Federal Council – along with a handful of other candidates from the election, including future leadership contestants David Merner and Amita Kuttner.
It was an intense couple of days. And it was then that I began to know Annamie.
J'ai rencontré Annamie pour la première fois brièvement lors du tournage de cette pub pendant les élections de 2019. Quelques mois plus tard, nous avons passé plus de temps ensemble alors que nous observions tous deux une réunion du Conseil fédéral du Parti pendant un week-end, avec une poignée d'autres candidats de l'élection, dont les futurs candidats à la direction du parti, David Merner et Amita Kuttner.
Ces deux jours ont été intenses et c'est à ce moment-là que j'ai commencé à voir ce qui m'enthousiasme maintenant dans le fait qu'Annamie devienne chef du Parti Vert.

This is Kitchener
Over the past week, I reached out to members of the Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) community in Kitchener. Some were close friends, some were people I’d met only once before. I asked them if they would be willing to talk. Each conversation began with the same question:
“What is your experience as a person of colour in Kitchener?”
Then I listened. This is what I heard.
La semaine dernière, j'ai pris contact avec des membres de la communauté Noire, Indigène et personnes de couleur (BIPOC) de Kitchener. Certains étaient des amis proches, d'autres étaient des personnes que je n'avais rencontrées qu'une seule fois auparavant. Je leur ai demandé s'ils étaient prêts à parler. Chaque conversation a commencé par la même question :
"Quelle est votre expérience en tant que personne de couleur à Kitchener ?"
Puis, j'ai écouté. Voici ce que j'ai entendu.

Thank you Elizabeth: A “giant” of a Parliamentarian
Today, Elizabeth May leaves an incredible legacy as leader of the Green Party of Canada.
Over her tenure, Canadians elected our first 19 Green representatives federally and provincially - including her own election as Canada’s first Green Member of Parliament in 2011. In the most recent election, 90% more people voted Green than in 2015, and two more Green MPs - in Nanaimo and Fredericton - won their seats as well.
Along the way, Elizabeth has been a champion for her community, for fiscal transparency, and of course, for science-based action on climate change.
To me though, Elizabeth’s legacy is as much about what she did, as how she did it: with a focus on serving first of all as a Parliamentarian, in service to her community - rather than as a partisan, in service to her party.

You Didn’t Lose the Gold. You Won the Silver.
On my way out the door yesterday morning, a neighbour came by. She had a pained look on her face and said, “I’m sorry for what happened.”
Looking back at her, seeing her good intentions, I told her there’s no need to apologize. Just the opposite.
Because I feel so differently about... well, everything.
I feel so deeply grateful, proud, and hopeful.
First, gratitude - for the over 14,000 people that chose to put their trust, hope and ultimately their vote behind me and our campaign. To each of you - thank you for your belief in me, in us and our effort to truly put democracy ahead of politics.

Winnable? Yes. Kitchener Centre Is Going Green
Strategic voting has its place, but not in Kitchener Centre - not this year.
Back on February 1st - 262 days before the election - I made the decision to run to represent Kitchener Centre in Parliament.
In my very first email to friends, I made clear - this isn’t about making a statement, or influencing the conversation. This is about meaningful change - this is about getting elected!
This is about going to Ottawa at a time when people are calling for real action on climate change, addressing affordability and turning down partisan politics for the sake of our community’s well being.
It’s not time for idle conversation and deflecting questions with partisan talking points.
It is time to be honest. We don’t have all the answers and we need to start asking the right questions!