Mike's Stance on Vaccinations
Many people in our community have asked me where I stand on policy related to the COVID-19 vaccine. I want to share my position here. We must strongly encourage others to get vaccinated if they can. But we should also dial down the divisive rhetoric and genuinely listen to the legitimate concerns in our community.

The impact of a Green MP
In 2019, we were often asked if it would be possible to elect a Green MP in Kitchener. This time the narrative has shifted. With the belief that we are in a position to win, people now wonder what impact I can have as a Green MP. Let me share four reasons why I specifically chose to run with the Green Party.
En 2019, on nous a souvent demandé s'il serait possible d'élire un député vert à Kitchener. Cette fois-ci, le récit a changé. Avec la conviction que nous sommes en mesure de gagner, les gens se demandent maintenant quel impact je peux avoir en tant que député vert. Permettez-moi de vous faire part de quatre raisons pour lesquelles j'ai choisi de me présenter avec le Parti Vert.

Community representative, not party spokesperson
Listening and empathy are the most important skills for any elected official. As the representative for Kitchener Centre - and as a Green MP - I will listen to people in our community, put their needs ahead of the party when necessary, and bring our community’s voice to national issues.
L'écoute et l'empathie sont les compétences les plus importantes pour tout élu. En tant que représentant de Kitchener-Centre - et en tant que député vert - j'écouterai les gens de notre communauté, je ferai passer leurs besoins avant le parti lorsque cela sera nécessaire, et je ferai entendre la voix de notre communauté sur les questions nationales.

Respectful debate, not theatrical partisanship
In place of mudslinging and the politics of division, my approach is to seek common ground to move forward on bold policies. I have worked across party lines and with all levels of government to make significant progress on climate change locally in my work founding and growing Sustainable Waterloo Region. As an elected representative for Kitchener Centre, I will work with other elected MPs on our shared priorities, and respectfully advocate for our community.
Au lieu de la médisance et de la politique de division, mon approche consiste à rechercher un terrain d'entente pour faire avancer des politiques audacieuses. J'ai travaillé au-delà des lignes de parti et avec tous les niveaux de gouvernement pour faire des progrès significatifs sur le changement climatique au niveau local, dans mon travail de fondation et de développement de Sustainable Waterloo Region. En tant que représentant élu de Kitchener-Centre, je travaillerai avec d'autres députés élus sur nos priorités communes, et je défendrai respectueusement les intérêts de notre communauté.

Progressive and Pragmatic
Bold ideas like a Green New Deal, Guaranteed Livable Income, and sustained, equal funding for mental healthcare need to be paired with honest budgets. The crises we are facing right now require bold plans and follow-through. I believe in progressive policies that care for those made vulnerable in our communities. My experience starting Sustainable Waterloo Region shows how we have been able to make bold ideas into reality.
Des idées audacieuses telles qu’un New Deal Vert, un Revenu de Base Universel et un financement égal et durable des soins de santé mentale doivent être associées à des budgets honnêtes. Les crises auxquelles nous sommes confrontés en ce moment exigent des plans audacieux et un suivi. Je crois aux politiques progressistes qui prennent en charge les personnes vulnérables de nos communautés. Mon expérience dans la création de Sustainable Waterloo Region montre comment j’ai pu transformer des idées audacieuses en réalité.

I’m not interested in politics - but I believe in democracy
I’m not interested in politics. It’s true.
And I have come across many in our community who feel the same way - it’s one of the most common things I’ve heard.
But I do believe in democracy.
I believe we can save democracy from politics, which is why I’ve approached the past eight months a little differently.

Four Ways We’re Doing Politics Differently
It’s a line I won’t soon forget. A woman I spoke with at her door said it to me a few weeks ago.
We've been knocking on doors across Kitchener Centre for more than two months now, and as I've done before, I’ll share another major theme: the large number of people who feel left behind by our political system.
The statistics are staggering: in Kitchener Centre last federal election, 24,225 eligible voters didn’t vote at all. That’s one third of all those eligible.
The past couple months of meeting people disillusioned with our democracy has put a face to a shared aspiration among Greens across the country: to do politics differently.