Affordable Housing Initiatives: Good Things Kitchener
This week, I’m spotlighting organizations from around our community who are working to make housing affordable and accessible, but are up against an alarming recent increase in need.

Amplifying Marginalized Voices: Good Things Kitchener
Welcome back to Good Things Kitchener. In Episode 5 I highlight two local publications showcasing voices that have been marginalized in our community, Textile and inside Waterloo.

Local Indigenous Leadership: Good Things Kitchener
Welcome to the fourth episode of Good Things Kitchener, a series dedicated to all the good that’s been sprouting up in our community.
This week, I spotlight two local, Indigenous-led initiatives: creating safe, welcoming spaces for First Nation, Métis and Inuit residents to receive a COVID-19 vaccine at two pop-up clinics in Kitchener; and an initiative led by Alanah Jewel focused on creating places in parks and public spaces that are welcoming to Indigenous groups to host ceremonies and gatherings (have you seen the beautiful murals at Huron Natural Area?).
Cette semaine, je vous présente deux initiatives locales dirigées par des Autochtones : la création d'espaces sûrs et accueillants pour les résidents des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuits afin qu'ils puissent se faire vacciner contre la COVID-19 dans deux cliniques pop-up de Kitchener ; et une initiative dirigée par Alanah Jewel visant à créer des endroits dans les parcs et les espaces publics qui soient accueillants pour les groupes autochtones afin qu'ils puissent y tenir des cérémonies et des rassemblements (avez-vous vu les magnifiques peintures murales de l'aire nature Huron?)

Good food on the move: Good Things Kitchener
Episode 3 of Good Things Kitchener is all about “good food on the move”: The Food Bank of Waterloo Region’s Mobile Pantry - a food truck that brings fresh food and baked goods around Waterloo Region, and the Lunch Connection Program, a collaboration between the Mill Courtland Associations and the Highland Stirling Community group that brings food as well as other needed items to our neighbours each week.
L'épisode 3 de Good Things Kitchener est consacré à la "bonne nourriture sur le pouce" : Le Mobile Pantry de la Banque alimentaire de la région de Waterloo - un camion alimentaire qui apporte des aliments frais et des produits de boulangerie dans la région de Waterloo - et le Lunch Connection Program, une collaboration entre les associations Mill-Courtland et le groupe communautaire Highland-Stirling, qui apporte chaque semaine de la nourriture et d'autres articles nécessaires à nos voisins.

Quilts & Tiles: Good Things Kitchener
This episode is all about quilts and tiles: two incredible community art projects that are bringing people together while apart. From Behind the Mask is a community quilt of COVID-19 stories and @belongtogetherca is a tile-based project designed by local artist @jason.panda.5.
Cet épisode est consacré aux courtepointes et aux tuiles : deux incroyables projets artistiques communautaires qui rapprochent les gens alors qu'ils sont séparés. From Behind the Mask est une courtepointe communautaire racontant des histoires de la COVID-19 et @belongtogetherca est un projet de tuiles conçu par l'artiste local @jason.panda.5.

Good Things Kitchener: Episode 1
Tonight I'm debuting a new series: Good Things Kitchener. While the pandemic has been a difficult time, there has also been so much good sprouting up, all around us. In this series, I’ll be shining a light on these good things in Kitchener.