A New Reality Is Possible
As many of you may have already heard, something special happened on Vancouver Island Monday night.
Paul Manly ran a campaign focused on bringing people together from all political stripes. On ensuring our kids inherit a clean, healthy environment. On building the green economy.
And he won.
Just as Mike Schreiner did in Guelph last year, and as 8 Green MLAs did on Prince Edward Island last month.
For me, and our campaign, this reinforces our conviction: we are in a pivotal moment, and people in Kitchener Centre, and across the country, are looking for change.
Mike Morrice, speaking with Kitchener Centre residents this past week.
Last weekend, it came up while we were knocking on doors: that integrity, honesty and thinking longer term are so important to our neighbours.
This continues to be our opportunity to truly do politics differently: to bring people together, rather than divide. To prioritize the next generation ahead of the next political cycle. To dream bigger about the solutions to our most pressing challenges: for example, by talking about a Green New Deal for Canada.
Now, it’s our job, to show that in Kitchener Centre, we can build a winning Green campaign. At a time when our neighbours, and voters across the country, are clear: they’re ready for a campaign like this.
If you’d like to be part of it, there’s no better time than now. Elizabeth May and Mike Schreiner will both be at Catalyst-137 for our campaign launch party next Thursday May 16, and everyone is welcome.
Registration is online here
I hope to see you on May 16 as we kick off this historic campaign.
And my thanks to Paul Manly, the many volunteers that were part of his campaign, and for people across Nanaimo-Ladysmith - for showing us what is possible, and for coming together around what matters most: acting decisively to secure a bright future for generations to come.